Sunday, May 11, 2008


The Men's and Women's National Goalball Tournament is coming to Utah! June 19, 20, & 21. It will be held at American Fork High School. This is the first time that we have hosted a National Tournament. We have hosted Western Regionals, but this is the big one! The Utah Foundation for the Blind (of which I am chairman of the Board) is hosting this event. If you want to volunteer, or know of young men’s or women’s groups or school groups who need to get in volunteer hours, go to our website at There should be about 200 coaches, players, and referees coming from all over the United States. At first, the tournament was scheduled at Jordan High School, but after Jordan District split (and we had the okay for six months to have the tournament there…so we sent out registration…found a hotel nearby….etc.), we were told it couldn’t be there any more… I have been frantic for the past week, until we lucked on to American Fork High School….AND it always helps that people know your family!!! Thanks dad for knowing so many people and helping so many people….I get to reap the benefits…along all these players! We are now trying to move the hotel location down here....but people already booked it could take awhile.

I have been a Utah Goalball Coach for 14 years now….and some of my family and friends….have never even seen goalball played. I am hoping you will all come and watch it. I have seen how this sport has helped so many visually impaired kids accept their vision loss. I know this sport takes time away from my family, and especially my yard work and housework, but I love what this sport does for the kids I work with.

I am having a HUGE garage sale at my house on May 31st for the youth and adult players to raise money for goalball. (The youth go to Florida in October for their nationals.) If you have anything that you want to get rid of, let me know. I can give you a receipt for your taxes, since UFB is a non-profit organization.

We also are having a raffle. We have some good prizes already....quilts....dinners. If anyone has anything to donate to the raffle or if you want to buy raffle tickets…they are $2 a piece…let me know….I have a lot of money to raise…and remember…it is tax deductible!

I am headed off to Colorado to the Adult Western Regionals this week. I’ll be gone all weekend. Hopefully, Utah Men and Women will win!!!